Hello, my name is

Daniel Steigman.

I build blockchain products to empower the Web3 revolution.
I have traveled the world, helping businesses implement innovative solutions for their problems. After running a Web3 startup for 4 years, I am actively looking for new opportunities to build the future of Web3.
1. About Me
I have had a passion for software engineering ever since I began building Minecraft mods in Java back in 2013. Before I decided to make software my career I was pulled into the chaotic and fast-paced world of a hardware start up. My time working at the hardware manufacturer gave me the experience to handle both sales and support operations as well as marketing and product development.
In 2018 my passion for blockchain technology led me to cofound the Web3 company Nugbase. Nugbase’s core product is an NFT collection and Web3 game called Flowerpatch. My role started off as business operations but I quickly evolved to a software engineering role. Our rapid growth pushed me to lead our contract engineering division, where I consulted with clients to design and build their Web3 products.
In 2023 I left Nugbase to work at a smart wallet company called Fun.xyz. My primary role at Fun.xyz was designing and developing the React SDK, improving the developer experience for our customers. I worked directly with our customers and built Role-based access control features. I am especially proud of my work building multi-factor authentication into Ethereum wallets.
Technology competencies
  • Javascript / Typescript
  • Go
  • Python
  • Linux
  • React / NextJS / Redux
  • SaSS / LESS / Tailwind CSS
  • MySQL/ datastore / MongoDB noSQL
  • Kubernetes / Docker
Blockchain competencies
  • Blockchains: Ethereum / Polygon / Arbitrum / Optimism
  • Front-end Web3: Wagmi, Viem, EthersJS
  • Backend Ethereum services: Go Ethereum (Geth)
  • Smart contract development: Solidity, OpenZepplin, Hardhat, and Truffle suite
2. Work Experience
Software Engineer
April 2023 - present
  • Led the product and engineering of the Account Abstraction React SDK.
  • Worked with full stack technologies to build RBAC features for multi-factor authentication and account recovery.
  • Directly contributed to the documentation and improved the developer experience of the SDK
Read more about Fun.xyz
3. Some Featured Work
Dapper Dinos NFT
Dapper Dinos NFT @ Nugbase
Created a breeding experience for the existing Dapper Dino Ethereum NFT collection. Developed the Dapper Dino breeding experience product inclduing design and implementation from scratch. Built a cross-chain breeding algorithm and minting service in Go. Lead the team by communicating with the client and managing team objectives.
Flowerpatch.app @ Nugbase
Worked on full stack development of the Flowerpatch.app, including projects like the FLOWER NFT marketplace and Seed store. Directly built modular wallet support including signature-based login for Trezor and Ledger. Built extensible user data and account management features. Managed end-to-end testing across the product.
Agromation SmartGrow
Agromation SmartGrow @ Dual4T
Consulted with a hardware manufacturer to design and develop a custom software solution for their hardware product. Created a SaaS web application for centralized monitoring and control over their products. Implemented a Linux-based IoT device to interface with the Siemens controller. Built an API to securely transmit and process data from the remote hardware.
4. Contact Me
I am actively interviewing for roles in San Francisco. I am open to hybrid or remote work opportunities. If you think I would be a good fit for your company please set some time to chat.